ExecutivEdge of Silicon Valley offers an extensive array of training programs focused primarily upon senior, experienced executives. All of our programs are customized to your specific organization. ExecutivEdge is known for creating a significant amount of proprietary learning materials and offering four innovative and distinctive ‘modes of delivery:
We offer a continuously evolving list of programs, but will also customize a training program for you based upon a topic of your choice. We also license our materials to you so that you can use your own in-house training infrastructure to offer the training experience to a broader set of participants over time, with a more cost effective approach.
Recent Programs
Coaching for Managers: Developing Direct Reports
The best leaders work hard to develop their “bench,” and this workshop helps executives understand a variety of concrete, proven tools they can use to develop their individual team members. Based upon decades of research on leadership effectiveness, this workshop focuses upon several aspects of coaching employees:
- Use of a “Stoplight Organizational Audit” to evaluate their employees
- Concrete coaching skills to counsel and advise employees
- Identification of assignments to develop direct reports in under-used skills
- Provide a clear and constructive feedback without alienating employees
- Delegate and enable others to ‘step up’ without abandoning employees
Each participant will focus upon one of two specific employees in this workshop, and may even fill in a short ‘case scenario’ for the workshop leader in advance of the training. Throughout a half-day of training, participants will participate in role-plays and break-out exercises that allow them to fine-tune their coaching skills. At the same time, they will be provided with comprehensive lists of the types of experiences that help develop future leaders, such as:
- Fix-it-assignments
- Build-it-from-scratch assignments
- Rotation from staff-to-line or vice versa
- Leap in scope
Participants will also explore how gender impacts development needs.
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Executive Presence
Executive Presence Coaching is a hallmark capability at ExecutivEdge. This workshop will collect useful feedback or participants in advance to customize the focus of training.
The core of the workshop involves skill-building around basic aspects or executive presence:
- Dynamic Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Social Agility
- Non-Verbal Impact
Practical exercise will give participants.
- Extemporaneous “in the moment” skills
- Development of “hooks” to engage an audience right from the beginning.
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HR "Internal Coaching" Development
ExecutivEdge will collaborate with members of the HR team in your organization to help you develop the skills you need to partner more effectively with executives.
HR coaching participants will participate in hands-on demonstrations and review real-time case studies that are specific to your organization.
- The CPR Model (Credibility, Push Back, Relationship) explains the most effective ways to build influence with others and overcome difficult coaching situations.
- The Internal-External Coaching Continuum explains and evaluates the balance needed in your organization between external coaches (us) and internal coaches (you).
- We also offer advice on how to create a “breakthrough” with an important executive. We will help you learn how to get your executives to come out of their comfort zones and begin to learn more effective leadership behaviors.
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Influencing is a training program that focuses on delivering effective communication and handling resistance. This program can be delivered in a 1/2, 1 or 2-day model of consulting work.
In handling resistance, you will learn what to do and say when you disagree, and are at an impasse.
ExecutivEdge will provide you with several proprietary materials to increase your impact and personal influence.
The Influence Action Plan is part of the CPR model (Credibility, Push Back and Relationship). This model explains the most effective ways to build influence with others and overcome difficult coaching situations.
- Influencing Tips
- Effective Communication Tips
- Personal Power and Position Power
In this training program we will also discuss the difference between personal “ supporters”, “ resisters” and “fence-sitters” and practical ways to influence each.
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Leading Change
ExecutivEdge has identified six main principles to leading change that forms the crux o this training:
Motivate Through Personal Vision:
- Principle #1—Create a sense of urgency and importance for change effort
- Principle #2—Communicate clear expectations and direction—get people excited about vision
Strategically for the Business:
- Principle #3—Do what’s best for the organization—look at the big picture
- Principle #4—Use data to make decisions
Bring Along People in the Organization:
- Principle #5—Work towards the common goal
- Principle #6—Be sure you have buy-in and commitment
The training typically involves different case scenarios, to provide practice opportunities with “real time” resistance to change.
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Leading Teams
This training program can be used to train in 1/2, 1 or 2-day sessions. It is designed to work closely with an intact team that wishes to improve skills in team development .
During this training, participants learn the key of effective teams as well as how to diagnose and address the typical issues that enhance or inhibit team effectiveness.
We will provide your group with a number of proprietary and proven ExecutivEdge team tools, such as the Team Performance Survey and Team Transition Model, which identities “enablers” and “inhibitors” to team performance.
The Team Performance Survey will address issues involving:
- Team Leadership
- Team Work Behavior and Climate
- Team Strategies and Priorities
- Team Communication
- Team Processes
After the training you will improve your ability to generate a concrete behavioral list of team operating rules, decision making ground rules or clearly articulated team goals and strategies.
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Managerial Courage
In this half-day workshop, ExecutivEdge typically uses the proprietary Managerial Courage Index to first assess participants on 4 aspects of this important executive trait:
- Standing alone with integrity
- Giving purposeful feedback
- Responsible receive orientation
- Capturing the right moment
Through small group exercises, interactive role-plays using creative case scenarios, participants assess their strengths and weaknesses, practice the principles of managerial courage and identify their own problem areas as executives. Participants leave the workshop with an individual development plan that guides them toward additional practice activities to improve their confidence and proficiency.
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ExecutivEdge has developed a dynamic mentoring workshop in a 1/2 day. or two hour format.
This workshop covers:
- What is Mentoring?
- Tapping Your Potential as a Mentor
- Getting Started:
- Establishing the Contract
- The Skills of Effective Mentoring:
- Teaching
- Coaching
- Counseling
- Learning
- Evaluating Process
- Avoiding Pitfalls
For organizations with formal mentoring programs, all of the Directors and VPs that attend the workshop will be certified as “mentors.”
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Stewardship is a buzzword that means different things to everyone, even when all agree that stewardship is a crucial capability for effective leaders.
In this half-day customized workshop, participants fill out in advance a self-assessment tool that measures their strengths and weaknesses as stewards, focusing upon three areas:
- Responsibility
- Service
- Mature leadership
At the actual workshop session, the ExecutivEdge trainer presents the collective scores of all participants and leads practical exercises to work on problem areas. Participants explore ‘real time’ opportunities to exhibit greater stewardship, particularly with peers in their companies. They fill out an assessment called “What are you known for?” and “What do you want to be known for?” that gives them concrete behavioral goals for improvement.
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Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership is one of the most sought after executive skills.
At ExecutivEdge we focus upon two levels of strategic leadership:
Thinking strategically:
- Embrace ambiguity
- Visualize the future whenever you can
- Ask yourself tough questions, then chew on them
Acting strategically:
- Use strategic language
- Build diversity of thinking into your organization
- Benchmark others consistently
- Ask others for continuous feedback on your vision
We use different case scenarios, and have participants react to the leader giving the vision, then later critique the leader. Also, we can assist you in developing a personal vision communicating it with others.
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Modes of Delivery
Advance Assessment
Although all ExecutivEdge training programs can be customized for your organization, Advance Assessment allows for even more customization. This is a delivery method in which we send out an online assessment tool on a specific skill in advance(for example, Strategic Leadership or Managerial Courage). After participants complete and return their completed instruments, the trainer “calibrates” and changes the focus and content of the workshop, according to the level of the participants. If desired, one-on-one follow-up coaching in the skill can be requested upon completion of the workshop.
This approach is conventional “classroom” training in which participants arrive at the training – typically at your worksite – and is provided with materials and notebooks to use during dynamic, experiential activities with a seasoned trainer.
ExecutivEdge is known for developing an internal training capability in the organizations it serves. Train-the-Trainer involves a seasoned ExecutivEdge trainer developing customized workshop content as part of a creative team with HR and a team executive. ExecutivEdge develops the agenda and training design, creates a “Trainers Guide” that explains exactly how to run the training session, and then delivers the first training workshop at your worksite. Managers and human resource professionals who want to learn how to train employees in that topic are present at the training and may “stop action” at any time to discuss training methods. After the workshop is over, the ExecutivEdge trainer will debrief with HR and the manager, and will license the materials for future use with a larger group of participants in your organization. This is both innovative and cost-effective.
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