Executive Coaching Process
Executive coaching is a management development strategy using a personal trainer to develop key strategic leadership capabilities and to focus the development process.
Phase I: Assessment
- Interviews should be (8-10) with direct reports, HR and others as agreed.
- (2) 90-minute assessment sessions with client
- Use one or more assessment instruments
- Benchmarks
- Birkman
- Career Architect
- Myers-Briggs
- Profilor
- Learning Agility
- Leadership Values Sort
- EESV Personal Assessment Tool (P.A.T.)
Phase II: Development Plan
- Detailed written summary of feedback interview data
- Consultant will interpret and give feedback to client from formal assessment and interviews
- Final session with client to review development plan (1 session)
Phase III: Coaching Sessions
- 6 - 8 90 minute sessions (face-to-face, phone, videoconferencing, etc.) over a 6 to 12 month period
- "Phone coaching" as appropriate, in between sessions
- "Shadowing" and/or videotaping of client
- Use of Behavioral Contracts and assignments between sessions
- Final meeting with client
- Original Harvard Business Review articles and other resources given to clients
Phase IV: Other Activities
- On going communication with HR personnel if appropriate
- Evaluation of coaching progress relative to business goals
Phase V: Follow-Up
- One follow-up meeting scheduled 4-8 weeks after completion of coaching process
- Development of detailed "maintenance" plan to sustain progress
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Our approach involves three steps in the learning process:
- Sharpening and polishing strategic presentation skills
- Delegating with reduced confusion
- Micro-management
Our coaching typically includes a number of phases in the process, including:
- Assessing the client's behavior
- Coaching the client and/or other employees in private sessions
- Rehearsing targeted behaviors with coach
- Practicing targeted behaviors on the job
- Maintaining continual contact with organizational support persons and client's manager
- Following an established plan to monitor client's progress related to performance goals
Our coaching focuses on a number of different development areas:
- Improving leadership skills
- Establishing executive presence
- Sharpening political influence skills
- Developing decision-making skills
- Building better teams
- Increasing interpersonal effectiveness
Following our executive coaching, clients:
- Demonstrate readiness for increased responsibility
- Adopt a more strategic and influential management style
- Show greater self-confidence, take greater risks, step up to new business challenges
- Work more effectively with others
- Achieve better business results
Our coaching works best when senior management:
- Support the client's readiness and motivation to change
- Connects development efforts to the organization's strategic goals and directions
- Implements an appropriate follow-up plan related to the coaching
- Commits to the financial and time requirements for effective coaching
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