Customized Corporate Mentoring Programs at EESV
An ExecutivEdge consultant works with your line executives and Human Resource professionals to develop customized mentoring programs in your company. In addition to focus on outcomes, mentoring strategies and initiatives, measurements of program success, we work with you to identify both mentees and executives who demonstrate effectiveness at formal mentoring.
ExecutivEdge can help you plan and facilitate an effective KickOff program in your company that addresses:
- What is Mentoring In Your Company?
- What Are Program Guidelines and Timelines?
- What is the Business Case?
- What Do Mentors Do?
- How Can You Tap Your Potential as a Mentor?
- How Do You Establish a Contract at the First Meeting With Your Mentee?
- What are the Skills of Effective Mentoring?
- How Can You Be an Effective Mentee?
- How Can You Collect Ongoing Feedback About Program Effectiveness?
Customized tools used in mentoring programs at EESV may include:
Mentoring: A skills workbook to train prospective mentors |