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On-Boarding and Transition Coaching

Did you know that 40 percent of executives recruited into high-level jobs fail within 18 months?

Most senior executives find that assimilating to a new organizational culture is a much bigger struggle than they had anticipated.  The actions taken during the first 100 days determine success or failure in a new role as well as credibility with a new boss and organization.

As trusted advisors and experienced executive coaches to senior leaders in multiple industries, ExecutivEdge is uniquely positioned to augment internal “on-boarding” support for your critical new senior hires.
We have identified several different Executive Profiles of new hires that may pose the most risk for a successful assimilation:

  • Start-up Executive moving to large, established company
  • Established company Executive moving to start-up
  • Executive who has been with the same company for ten years or more
  • Executive who has moved from a different country or region of the country


Our specially trained consultants use a proven framework -- based upon research such as, Michael Watkins, The First 90 Days -- to supplement the work of internal   on-boarding programs.  We help new executives gain credibility quickly, based upon:

Getting Oriented          Building Relationships       Establishing Early Wins

ExecutivEdge uses Customized Tools to assist transitioning executives with the ability to “hit the ground running

  • Influencing Starter Kit (“Do’s” and “Don’ts” of a particular culture)
  • Individualized Coaching Tips (Personalized behaviors to accelerate assimilation into a new culture)
  • The Credibility Index (Behavioral assessment for one’s credibility as an executive)
  • Job Success Profile (Key issues to focus upon in a new role)

 ExecutivEdge Delivers

  Our transition coaching program focuses upon the following outcomes:

  • 100-Day Entry Plan
  • Identification of key relationships to build for success in the role
  • Identification of key expectations from colleagues and boss
  • Identification of key challenges to overcome for success in the role
  • Implementation of a “quick win” as defined by colleagues


  The coaching program typically involves:

  • 4 to 6 individual Coaching Sessions over the first 100 to 120 days of employment

Each session focuses around immediate problem solving, working on the business and organizational goals identified in the 100-Day Entry Plan. 

  • Coaching sessions stress the following topics:
    • Building Personal Credibility and understanding why others will follow you
    • Cultural Do’s and Don'ts to guide behavior
    • Mapping the Territory to build relationships with key “stakeholders”
    • Building Momentum to begin implementing what you came to do
    • Leveraging Your Strengths to plant seeds for change
    • Defining a vision for your new role
    • Ongoing conversations with HR and the boss
    • A three or four-way conversation (boss, coach, HR, executive) to align around the Entry Plan
    • ‘Check-in’ assessments with key colleagues or subordinates to determine progress and hot issues


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