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Strategic Planning & Visioning

Helping executives create, articulate, communicate, and implement a shared vision and crisp organizational goals is a hallmark competency of ExecutivEdge consultants. We have worked with hundreds of workgroups and “intact” teams in multiple industries. Our experience ranges from financial services to retail and biotechnology, including electronics, nonprofit and educational institutions.

Professor's Michele Bolton and John Baird taught advanced MBA courses in Strategic Management, Visionary Leadership and Leadership for nearly twenty years. A number of ExecutivEdge associates possess strong business backgrounds and/or specialize in visioning and strategic planning work with senior teams or Boards.

Our Process:

Our process typically involves several phases designed to not only achieve an outstanding “offsite, with a strong business focus” but to ensure that team members follow through on their commitments and ideas in the months following the session. We customize our approach to your organization’s goals, budget and timing needs:


  • Initial meeting with executive and/or HR to determine outcomes
  • Development of questions for assessment
  • 30-45 minute phone interviews with participants and written Summary Report
  • Presentation of data summary to executive, HR and/or planning group

Planning and Preparation

  • Meetings with executive, HR and/or planning group as needed
  • Design offsite activities and decisions about timing and length (one, two or three full days, vs ½ day every 30 days for 90 days, etc.)
  • Inclusion of the “right” people to decide an issue or to educate the group regarding the issue
  • Use of a facilitation process to guide prioritization and alignment around stated goals
  • Use of a facilitation process to develop a shared, inspiring vision
  • Creation of custom interactive learning activity if desired (or integration with a MBTI teambuilding activity)
  • Design of social time to integrate strategic planning & visioning with teambuilding, if desired
  • Clear articulation of next steps and “who is doing what” to follow up


  • De-briefing meeting with executive, HR and/or planning group
  • Support provided to executive for personal follow-up to attain offsite goals
  • If desired, additional planning or coaching meetings with selected participants

Customized Tools

  • Gaining a Strategic Edge
  • Developing Your Strategic Agenda
  • Developing a Personal Vision
  • Strategic Pyramid and SWOT Analysis
  • Bafa-Bafa Multi-Cultural Tool
  • Colourblind Leadership Exercise

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