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The Talent Stampede, to be published in late  2007,begins where The Third Shift left off.  Over a two year period, Michele Kremen Bolton interviewied nearly 50 women executives and two dozen senior Human Resource executives throughout Silicon Valley to understand retentition difficulties faced by executive women and their corporations.

The study concludes that companies that are more successful at  retaining their most talented women understand:

  1. Men and women approach their careers differently.  Consequently, retention programs for women must be specialized to accommodate gender differences.

  2. Companies must allow time for “relief and renewal” at regular intervals throughout one’s career, and legitimize the practice of periodic off-ramps, reducing both cultural stigmas as well as moderating some of the financial penalties.

  3. Women executives tend to be more prone to burnout than their male counterparts.  In part, they are more likely than men to actively juggle both the psychological and actual demands of work, community and family.  Additionally,  many women still feel that they must continually prove themselves at work.

  4. The extreme, relentlessly Calvinistic work-centric approach to life is becoming the norm, rather than the exception for many executive posts.