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Women’s Retention Programs and Strategies at EESV

An ExecutivEdge consultant works with your line executives and Human Resource professions to:

  • Assess effectiveness of current retention of women executives and responsiveness of individual managers and the overall organizational culture to this issue;
  • Recommend customized actions or programs to improve those results
  • Help guide implementation of customized approaches;
  • Measure success of efforts and monitor progress.

Strategies focus upon several types of women and the “generational issues” that are known to cause talented women to leave the corporate workforce:

  • Younger women on the fast track, whether seeking short-term maternity leaves or longer breaks;
  • High-potential women typically in their late thirties or early forties who have proven track records of success but are looking for significant change in their roles or professions, rather than continuing to advance in their “obvious” area of expertise;
  • High-potential seasoned executive women (the more mature baby-boomers) who have typically worked for more than 25 years and are in need of new motivation to continue working, are undecided about retirement, and need help understanding different ways they could continue to contribute at a high level to their current companies, typically on a full-time basis.
  • High-potential seasoned executive women later in their career who are seeking gradual transition strategies to retirement, part-time assignments, or full-time community involvement.

 Customized EESV tools used in developing retention programs may include:

Cultural Assessment Tool:  Identifying of Enhancing & Inhibiting Cultural Norms in Your Company

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