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Human Resources Development

The desire and ability to partner closely with HR constitutes one of ExecutivEdge most important competitive advantages.  While our work focuses on the leaders at the top of organizations, we are widely known for our unique ability to involve HR business partners directly in the coaching/development or team building and strategic planning processes.

Frequently we host professional gatherings at ExecutivEdge where HR professionals network, socialize and learn from speakers we invite into our “coaching community.”

Over the past decade we have worked side-by side with HR in several distinctive ways, and continue to develop new ways to help develop the talent and expertise in your HR organization:

  • Partnering as an “external” coach to an executive client with an “internal HR coach” (including, at times, having HR in the coaching session)
  • Individually coaching a senior, high-potential HR executive for a broader role
  • Facilitating HR team assesments and offsites to strengthen HR team effectiveness and team member satisfaction.
  • Using the HR 360 Plus Coaching Process to upgrade an HR managers ability to mentor a senior executive as an informal coach
  • Delivering customized training to a world-wide HR organization on topics such as Coaching for Hi Impact, Managing Resistance, Developing a Talent Management Strategy, Performance Management, Managerial Courage, etc.
  • Assessing the skill level of HR executives and managers, using customized tools to improve the depth and breadth of coaching and executive development expertise in a company
  • Creating real-time case studies specific to an organization and facilitating “brown bag” learning forums to help develop – onsite -- HR professionals 
  • Providing Keynote speakers (from ExecutivEdge or elsewhere) on cutting edge HR topics such as Retention, Women’s Leadership, and Development Planning
  • Advising senior HR (and line) executives on methods to establish High Potential programs, Executive Review process, and Mentoring programs
  • Creating an Executive Profile in companies to match and complement specific company values and business goals
  • Using the Executive Profile to align  key processes or documents throughout the firm (for example, 360 Competencies, Executive Review, Talent Audit, MBO process, etc.)
  • Working closely with “intact teams”  to identify and deliver training programs customized for that team’s immediate needs
  • Creating “train the trainer” workshops, including customized materials so that HR can train a larger population in the company after an initial training in which they observe ExecutivEdge trainers in action
  • Designing organization-wide Talent Management and Succession Planning strategies and processes, and helping  implement them
  • Providing expert, one-on-one guidance on other Organizational Development issues and topics
  • Customized Tools

    CPR for Hi Impact Coaching
    Partnering Playbook
    Internal-External Coaching Continuum


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